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Spaghetti or a spaghetti?

The above should read: I ate spaghetti. The indefinite should not be used with uncountable nouns. (rule 3.1). Spaghetti is an uncountable noun because it is made up of small pieces (uncountable noun classification).

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Breakfast or a breakfast?

The indefinite article is almost never used when the words breakfast, lunch, or dinner are written without an adjective. The above should read ‘I ate breakfast’, not ‘I ate a breakfast’. (rule 3.1)The indefinite article can be used with the words breakfast, lunch, or dinner when an adjective is used as a description. Jim ate a big breakfast yesterday. Sally …

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TV or a TV?

The indefinite article is used with the word ‘TV’ when referring to it as an electronic device, a machine, a physical object. If you were to sit down and watch a TV, it would mean that you sat down; perhaps for  hours, and watched a machine…which would make many people question your sanity! When you wish to discuss TV programming …
